Do you ever want to just tell people to suck it up? I can't harp on anyone or try to change their outlook, but I think life is a lot easier if we try to be happy for what we have. I believe we all have the power to make ourselves happy - it might not be easy or immediate, but no one can be forced to stay miserable.
I'm rather miserable TODAY - but I know it's temporary. Shortness of breath (anemia, I think) and the sweating from steroids isn't particularly comfortable, but I did go to see the girls run a 1mile race yesterday and thanks to Ironman, I am taking it easy today. Blue skies tomorrow... and hopefully a few laughs!
Here's Morgan with her "hardware" - 3rd place in her age division...
and then another little girl learned the hard lesson that not everyone gets a medal everytime...Avery is smiling here, but there were quite a few tears when the winners were announced...but I think it's important for both girls to realize that everyday isn't perfect, but we still manage to make the best of them!
after all - we all celebrated with breakfast at Cracker Barrel!! doesn't bacon fix everything???
How awesome to be out there supporting your kids as they challenge themselves in such a healthy way!!
And yes, the whiners are intolerable. I love the "hide profile" function on FB!!
Always better to "Laugh out Loud" :-)
Your outlook is an inspiration. If anyone had the right to whine and complain, you sure could have - but you have done nothing but take each experience and use it to grow, and teach your girls life lessons. You truly have managed to "fight like a mom" and I know I am blessed to know you!
I agree... your outlook on life is so good... you inspire me! :) Hang on... better days are ahead!
I <3 you big time!! My fave quote is something like the key to having it all is believing you already do.
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