
Wednesday, February 2, 2011

The Week In Review...

and it's only Wednesday...never a good sign when enough has happened already that by Wednesday I can do a recap...

Start with the weekly Monday morning doctor appointment...Sitting in the waiting room of the oncologist's office where the median age is 60ish...and a woman (used loosely) about my age is talking VERY LOUDLY to the man BEHIND her.  Not the older man that she is accompanying to the doctor's office...and you know this kind of woman...the one who thinks her conversation is SO interesting that everyone wants to hear it so she speaks loudly...

The first thing I hear fly out of her mouth is, "Yeah, my husband says I'm bi".  My head jerks up...She continues with, "I mean I don't have any problems with lesbians"...I concentrate REALLY hard on my magazine trying to drown her out...I mean I had the new Southern Living, that's good reading...even chatting with the sweet man in the chair next to me... you know...on the benign topic of the weather nonetheless...

But oh concentration looses focus when I hear, "I mean every girl - whether they admit it or not - has kissed a girl"...I do that head spin around thing like in cartoons mostly to see if anyone else is hearing the same conversation I am...but everyone looks tired, in pain, or hasn't fixed his hearing aid looks like I'm the only one...

Once I'm called back, we all have a good laugh about the waiting room conversation and the good news...All my blood counts are UP!!!  Whoop Whoop!!!  Little dancing...Ok, Spell doesn't dance and I really only dance in my head...but it FEELS like I'm dancing!!

And I have BIG plans for Tuesday...going into the office...getting things set up for tax season...checking a few returns...but Cancer had a different's pretty strong willed you know!

I didn't sleep at all Monday night...just achy, stomach and foot cramps...but I was still determined to be a productive person on Tuesday, so I got up with the girls, made breakfast, made my coffee and all of a sudden I got the I said to Ironman - deep down bone cold...took my temp and it was in cancerland anything over 100.5 requires an immediate call to the what does Ironman do?  put me in bed... put the girls on the bus and called the we go again...

I am FREEZING and the thought of changing my clothes is frightening...and I didn't have anything clean and then I realize I slept in my clothes from day two at the doctor in the same clothes - NICE!!!  at least I brushed my teeth and put on fresh deodorant...

Shane has a meeting at work, so Ash takes over the chemo-chair side care...I get an IV of antibiotics and fluids, they culture my blood from two different sites and after 4 hours we head is where Shane gets canonized for Sainthood...but not before mentioning that my wallet wasn't in my purse so scrounging at the bottom of our purses Ashley and I managed a total of NINE CENTS...not even enough for a cold drink... of course we posted this on Facebook and the comments made us laugh all day...

Back to Canonization...Feeling like a rockstar on Monday...I had promised the drama queens that they could get their hair cut on Tuesday after school...and they DON'T FORGET and they DON'T CARE that Mommy is Ironman after getting home late from work and starving, loads them into the car for haircuts.  You don't need to ask why I love this man...but I do often wonder why he loves me?!?

So here are two very happy haircut girls (in normal "pose" position)...

and this afternoon...more good news...the blood culture gave no sign of I am going to Lake Charles tomorrow - the weather can't stop me!!!!  Scrapbooking weekend with the girls...and this time I have the dates correct!!  Oh, I can't wait for this weekend of laughs!!!


Sarah Martina said...

So glad to read the good news, H! And oh my word how did you keep your mouth shut in that waiting room? I struggle with moments like that, lol. :) Have tooons of fun this weekend! :)

Peggy Houston, TX said...

In case I haven't told you today, I think you are awesome. And I hope AO rocks...

mom78968400 said...

Ironman rocks.

DINA said...

Heather....once again you keep me in stitches!!!! I work (and I use that term loosely) at an urgent care facility part time. The comments and phone calls from patients and their families keep me wondering...Aren't you (or your family member) here for "URGENT CARE REASONS"? I (nor any other patients) care to hear your life story that has nothing to do with your medical condition (and we don't want to know that either). Those conversations are to be made in the comfort of YOUR OWN HOME. But you on the other hand....keep posting!!! Love ya, Dina

Sally said...

Wonderful news! Ironman does rock! And I hope you have a great time this weekend. :)

I'm in awe of the waiting room conversation. What makes people share stuff like that? and with total strangers nonetheless? Geez!