Thursday I started the Z-pack which always rocks my world in a not good way. Shane went to the Saints game. And Morgan decides she wants some pickles. This would be a new, unopened very hard to open, especially when you are weak and want to die pickle jar. So I tapped the lid on the counter, I ran hot water on it, I used the gripper pad - all to no avail - feeling like a failure while my child is just looking at me wondering my I can't get the frazzlin pickle jar open...
So here's the point of this long winded story... Morgan says, "Mommy, let's try it together." So we both put our hands on the jar, and because she was so sweet I probably found a little strength to try a little harder and shazamm - we opened the jar! And she says in that all knowing 6 year old voice, "Mommy, we just needed a little teamwork!"
Then, when I walked into the kitchen this morning I saw and heard some beautiful. It may not strike you as beautiful, but here it is...
Two normally yelling, screaming, wrestling girls were harmoniously working together on a Fancy Nancy puzzle. Laughing and giggling and perfectly happy. So as I make my coffee, I tell them how proud I am of how they are working together on the puzzle and then I had to take it one step further and say, "I'm going to call the Backyardigans and tell them about this teamwork".... Why? Why did I say this? Maybe because I just knew the responses would make me laugh out loud. So here's how it went...
Morgan: "Mommy - it's the Wonder Pets" (the all knowing six year old)
Avery: "Do you have their phone number?" (the VERY literal almost 5 year old)
Mommy: "Oh, sorry, I forgot it was the Wonder Pets, and no Avery, I don't have their phone number, I was just pretending" (I then stir my coffee clinking the spoon against the mug a max of three times)
Avery: "That sound is annoying me" (clearly upset that I DON'T have the number for the Wonder Pets)
I used to almost dread the long weekend days because a) I was not properly medicated and b) it was a constant battle to keep my children from killing each other
But now, I'm just sitting back and laughing a lot more...
and what a wonderful weekend it has been so far!!!!!!!!! LOVE YA and your meds!!!!
I love the Fancy Nancy stuff - can't wait for Daisy to get into it. Oh and I can't believe you gave in so fast with the phone number - I will so let Daisy think I have all those people on speed dial.
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