
Monday, February 9, 2009

I went to a funeral today...

and it was the most moving thing. The man who died, Herbert Doyle, was a retired Jefferson Parish police officer. I figured the JP department would do something at the service, but the most moving part was when we were driving up to the cemetery. Airline Highway (which is a major thoroughfare in NOLA), was lined with police cars and the officers were standing totally still in front of their cars. There were policeman from Kenner, Harahan, State Police and even Mandeville (all surrounding parishes). It was amazing - I had goose bumps then and I have them now thinking about it. I can only imagine how amazing the support is when an officer is killed in the line of duty. It definitely reminds me of how thankful we should be of the men and women who dedicate their lives to public service - protecting us without ever knowing us...

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