
Monday, July 26, 2010

Daily Truth from the Brave Girls Club...

Dear sparkling girl,

We all need more words of encouragement and less words of judgment.

We all need more hugs and less dirty looks.

We all need more congratulations and less guilt trips.

We all need more random acts of kindness and less time spent gossipping.

We all need to be loved more without conditions or expectations.....we all do.

Thank you for being the one who does it.....who loves unconditionally and spreads
joy and works in kindness and gives big encouraging hugs.....

You are changing your world and your life and everyone around you with each small are a hero.....keep up the great work and keep passing it on.

Read more about the Brave Girls Club and even sign up for the email list to receive the "Daily Truth"
And if anyone decides to go to one of the retreats, let me know....I'm saving my pennies...

Hopefully I'm teaching these two the skills to be Brave Girls...

Update on the LICE Cycle... After Shane broke out a headlamp (no, couldn't make this up) from his camping/survival gear, I did the comb out last night with the headlamp...and no...I wouldn't let Shane take a we did the day comb out in the sun...and tonight I decided the small flashlight was easier than the headlamp........At this point...I can hesitantly say we have achieved DEATH in the life cycle...

1 comment:

denise said...

Words of Wisdom!!!!!
The lice didn't know who they were playing with!!
No match for the Bellangers!!