No numbers on the scale, no caloric intake goal, nope none of that...
I'm striving for a hotness level. If you have ever met my friend Paula, you probably have a girl crush on her just like I do. She's not hot in the "oh, I eat whatever I want and never exercise" kind of way. Those people are born lucky and they don't exist in my world (except for a VERY few VERY close friends -I've known them too long and love them, so I ignore their natural hotness).
Paula is hot in the "gotta work out and watch what I eat" kinda way. You know, a real person! And she's been through heavier and lighter times - last year she won the weight loss competition and she just kept going!!!
So to clarify, I'm only trying to get HALF as hot as Paula is NOW by December 2010. By December 2010, Paula will probably be contacted for the cover of the SI swimsuit issue, so I'm trying to get to HALF of her PRESENT hotness.
Over the past few days when I have been tempted to stuff that Oreo in my mouth, I think about what Paula would do (kind of like WWPD - maybe I should make a beaded keychain...). She would NOT eat the Oreo, unless of course, she exercised that day and felt that she deserved a treat. She doesn't deprive herself, she's very good about moderation (very UNLIKE me!)
So, thank you Paula, for being an inspiration to me! And if possible, I would love to have a "mini paula" to sit on my shoulder all year... can anyone do that???