I love the steroids that Dr. Spell gave me yesterday...even if I've only slept for three hours since 7 am Monday morning...I know.. it's only Tuesday night...but I'm a wimp like that...
But today was like a Rockstar day - the steroids swooped in and made me feel like that girl 2 months ago without a care in the world - I even had a little pep in my step - ha!
I took the girls to Cracker Barrel for breakfast - I called it the "last day of Christmas break celebration", but that was really code for "Mommy wants BACON!!" They didn't even want to go, but I promised that they could get something from the Cracker Barrel "store" which is 5 times more expensive than the Dollar Tree, but...I wanted BACON!!! When Avery literally chose something that was $4.99 that we bought just last week at DOLLAR TREE for.... ONE DOLLAR, I told them we were going to Dollar Tree and they could each choose THREE things. They were sold - they are so cheap and easy...just like their....nevermind...
But first, we must stop for Checkers...I just read emails in the big rocker until the fighting was causing the diners INSIDE to stare..so off to Dollar Tree we went...
But I took the back way to Dollar Tree and that leads us past Goodwill, and I really can't resist a Goodwill stop, so I tell the girls we might even find BETTER stuff at Goodwill, and they rolled their eyes wishing they were born to another mother and followed me in...But as luck would have it (remember Rockstar Day!), they each found precious treasures for less than $1 each - and they quickly realized that this stuff was better and CHEAPER than Dollar Tree so they are hooked... god I love turning them into little thrift store junkies...
Buy this time it's about 11:15 and I drop them off to play at Bailey's house while I go and get my wig "done". But my stylist is on "Rebecca time" so I sneak down to one of the little boutiques in the same strip and instantly fall in love with these shoes...
You must understand - I DO NOT IMPULSE BUY - it was totally the Rockstar steroids!! I wore them right out of the store..and yes, my foot is gently resting on the door of my new "hand me down" car, but I didn't smudge it...(just a little tangent, we realized during Christmas week that we were destined to have both of our cars die at the same time, so in order to pay off one before a second one was necessary, we traded in my 2001 Avalon, I got Shane's Highlander and Shane got a Tahoe...Just imagine how many people DON'T buy new cars Christmas week, so just a tip - the dealership was REALLY happy to be able to put a sale on the board - very good for the buyer!!!)
So I head back down to Rebecca - in my new shoes... and my "girl" gets a little trim...here is the finished product...now let me warn you...I feel like I need a pole and a bunch of $1 bills (and a hot bod), but it is better than bald, so I'll adjust...
After leaving Rebecca I stopped in Sally's because my wig needed a head - hellooo!! And just for kicks I bought a sassy lip liner and dark red toe nail polish...then I headed home to pick up the girls from GiGi's (she took over when the play date ended - we all assumed I would be napping by this point, but not this Rockstar...) and then we get to the part of the day when you just want to stop and ask if Candid Camera is watching...
First thing Avery asks when she sees me is, "Is that your real hair?" Who is she kidding? I didn't grow a head of hair since this morning...so naturally, I answer that it is a wig and she says, "Well, hello Wig Girl"...Thanks Avery...true love...
Then 10 minutes later as Shane and I are eating dinner, Morgan runs through the kitchen twirling my wig around and I yell, "GO PUT MOMMY'S WIG DOWN!" Could I make this stuff up? We used to be so normal...well we passed for normal... now there is NO WAY anyone is buying that!! And one day this will all be distant memory...unless of course one of the girls take up "WIG dancing"....
My joints need a very long soak in a hot tub, but I'm a little worried I may fall asleep and drown in the tub...and how sad would it be if Cancer Girl dies from drowning in her own bathtub...So it may just be straight to bed...I'll be in touch....Hope your dreams are filled with laughs!!!