
Saturday, November 5, 2011

Hoping for Infection...

oh life has had some twists and turns, and I just never know what might be next...

Friday I awoke with swelling in my lower leg accompanied by red big deal, right??  Remember, I'm a CPA and the only thing I know about medicine is that sometimes I can deduct medical expenses on a tax return...

The pain stinks, so I mention it to a few does everyone else just KNOW this could be a blood clot???  Did I miss the memo?  What the hell is a blood clot anyway????

By the time I get dressed for the appointment, the pain/swelling and redness has spread up my calf, so in preparation for someone looking at my leg, I shave only the bottom half, good enough, right?

I get to the doctor to find out that blood clots and cellulitis (an infection) look similar...and to check for the clot I need an ultrasound...I also do some blood work to pursue the infection possibility...

so here's where it gets ridiculous...I'm sitting alone in the room waiting for the ultrasound tech...I'm freaking out because I have NO IDEA what you do if you have a blood clot...Shane is in Brazil, Ashley is in Savannah, and my mom has all four of our kids since I'm at the doctor...Naturally I start to cry, partly because I'm scared shitless and partly because I sitting there hoping for an life is such a circus that I am praying for an INFECTION!

After the ultrasound that started in the GROIN of both legs...remember, I only shaved knee down so I am mortified...I finally start breathing again when I find out its only an infection...

So I'm home, with antibiotics and four cuckoo girls upstairs playing "Fashion Show".  Best part of the day was getting some beautiful shots of my girls...

Thank God for these girls...and infections!!


Unknown said...

So happy that it is just an infection. Will pray that it goes away quickly.

Erin D said...

Good news that its an infection! (weird to write, but true)
Hope you recover and all continues to go well.

Jenn said...

Sending you prayers for a quick recovery and extra time to play on pinterest! Have a good day!

Dusty McRae said...

So touched by your story and so thankful that you just have an infection. I am a blog hopper and came across your blog and followed thru your Journey. You are an amazing testament of strength and courage. Congrats on beating cancer. May God continue to bless you and your family.

Eng emy said...

Hi want to say You are such an inspiration!
Go 4th>>
You are a great mom wife friend and all thing
I'm from kuwait and i was searching in google and i found you and i thank god cuz what you are write is amazimg and must all people read it..
I wish the best to you and god save you little girls and i'm muslim and i will ask from god to give you a good healt ^__^
