
Wednesday, March 23, 2011

The insomnia cure...

No, it doesn't make me fall back asleep - 100mg of Prednisone a day is a hard match for anything...

Pinterest is my newest obsession!  It's a site that allows you to "pin" (aka bookmark) things from anywhere - websites, blogs, pics - seriously anything and then group them together on "boards".  If you are totally confused or a little curious see my stuff here.  Now, I can search for my favorite things on etsy and all the other beautiful things on the World Wide Web of vastness and keep them in one place.  When you "pin" something it carries with it the source information - brilliant!! So everyone can link back to the original item. 

I'm creating Color Inspiration Boards to give me a little creative spark for scrapbbooking.  I'm hoping that soon, Pinterest will allow you to copy an entire Board to a blog - that way I can issue "challenges" and award prizes - who doesn't love a prize?...and I have received so many wonderful scrapping goodies during this cancer thing, I want to share.

Getting onto Pinterest is a little like getting an invitation to the "cool kids party".  You have to request an invite.  Mine took two weeks - probably good since I was pretty productive in tax return land last week, and Pinterest could possibly have impeded that productivity (just a note - I did finish a tax return before I started pinning tonight...and it is 5am - so my clients probably don't want me working on a tax return with no sleep - Pinterest it is!!!)

If you are on Pinterest - let me know...I want to check out your goodies!  Now go lose yourself in Pinterest - don't worry - you can thank me later!


Dawn H. said...

So far I've only checked out your DIY category--Girl Scout cookie manager duties prevent me from enjoying ALL of your categories yet.

LOVE that black ceiling! And the CD racks holding fabric (I don't do fabric, but it looks so pretty organized like that). Can't say the same for the coffee filter lamp shade--looks like wads of used Kleenex to me...

Dawn H. said...

Okay, totally unrelated to pinterest, but I have to share that the word I have to enter if I want to post another comment is: shmend. I could do a lot with that. Heather, on our next "the Coke Zero is on me" date, do you wanna go shmend something?

Ashley said...

You have ENTIRELY too much time on your hands!