
Thursday, October 22, 2009


That is the only way to describe today...

I went to NOLA to scour the city for treasures with the best junkin' pal ever, Angel, of course. We cruise at the same speed, fight over the same stuff, need breaks at the same time and have the same "top price" in mind everytime - it's kismet...

We started with project green - a place where people donate old house stuff instead of throwing it away, and people like me and Angel get dirty and sweaty searching for treasures. (just in case you want to check it out - but don't take all the good stuff!)

I left with:

the slate is soon going to be the background to a "scrapbook page", I'm going to deck out the HUGE clipboard and use it for my classes, I have been looking for a mailbox because I'm weird like that, and the texture on the tile is awesome!

then I bought...

couldn't pass up the frame, and thanks to Susie Harris (the Martha Stewart of Louisiana) (check out the link to the right) that old screen is soon going to be a corkboard...

and one more thing... but there is a story... I went searching for wood to make a picture frame. Some old, lead covered paint, chipped, tortured wood - and I found it - it just happened to be 10 feet long. So Angel and decide we should saw it in half. We find a dinky little saw and I start sawing - using the term loosely... I have only held a saw one other time in my life, and I think it was because the Ironman asked me to, I certainly wasn't cutting anything. But, hell, blade.. wood.. I can handle this... Well, the nicest old man was not so sure. After watching me and Angel for a few minutes then watching my pathetic attempt at lumberjacking, he said, "Oh, lady, you're making me tired just watching you, give me that saw"... and in two seconds flat that wood was in two pieces. That kind of stuff doesn't happen anywhere else....

So a clipboard, slate, tile, wood, trim wood, picture frame, screen, a mailbox, oh, and fabric - all for $25. I should have paid double that just because I had so much fun!

After sweating our butts off, we went to an Antique Mall on Magazine. Angel remembered it to have buckets of fabulous old buttons and trim. Unfortunately we found only WAY overpriced trinkets that were SO special they had to be locked away in cases - no fun in that! I did find two things that did make us laugh...

I really need to figure out how to take better pics with my phone, but the box on the left claims, "a pleasant sparkling laxative" - now really? are you sure??

If we hadn't wiped down twice with Clorox disinfecting wipes, I would have loved to go into this shop for a sweet treat...

We were starving at this point, but only the true warriors can continue... We stopped at our friend Renee's studio and peaked in her windows. Renee - if one of your neighbors alerts you to the peeping toms - it TOTALLY wasn't us!!! But I am so excited to learn about the cool clay/metal stuff that heats and the clay bakes away (I was paying attention to Angel, but I can't remember what it is called....)

We were heading to the Blue Tomato for lunch, but the River Road Flea Market was on the way - so what to do? Pull over, of course...

Thank goodness we did! Treasures....

I saw a children's shoe mold recently for $20 and I scored this one for FIVE BUCKS! In Denham Springs last weekend, I saw how people were taking old sewing drawers (like the one above), and making them into a precious shelf by putting a piece of wood inside the drawer - BINGO. And how cute is that frame??

Finally we get to eat, Angel and I can decide on where and what to eat in 3 minutes flat. And she is the only person who will order Mexican and let me order Italian and then split the dishes. Heavenly.... heavenly indegestion....

The last project for the afternoon was making a few flowers. We used the "$1 a pound" brown velvet from project green for one and then Angel showed me how to make the fabulous paper flowers. In love...

Our day was cut a little short due to the inclement weather in Baton Rouge.... but that just means another "play date"...

happy hunting.....

Ps - if you have any "junking" favorites in Baton Rouge - please share them!


Deanna said...

sounds like you had a wonderful time today and plenty of good days in the future playing with your "new" stuff. Junking is great. Always make you feel good to find a great item and an even greater price. Keep dry and have a great Friday!

Melanie said...

How found fabulous treasures!!! Glad you had fun!!!!

cheepincharge said...

What a great way to recycle! Looks like you had a great time and we can't wait to see how you turn your 'finds' into treasures.

Sandy said...

OK, I'm coming over the next time Wendy comes to LA and we are all goin junkin'!!!!

Anonymous said...

I just love your treasures. Can't wait to N.O. and go treasure hunting myself. Happy Friday !

Angel said...

Yep, junkin' with Heather is a dream. Except that she's younger, thinner and way faster than me and can pounce on really cool stuff before my eyes even adjust to the dim lighting. And HoHo, just think of the adventures...we could pull a trailer behind Wendy's car and find all kinds of treasure while she's working!

Sandy said...

You got that right!!!!!

Dawn H. said...

I think you should have bought that mug no matter what it cost--it would make the perfect addition to any crop!

Megan said...

I'm into junkin tioo! Invit me. Angel - teahc us how to make the flowers!