
Wednesday, December 26, 2012

My December Daily Debacle...

So I wasn't very good at daily blogging during December...On the days when I did have time, there was nothing but boring routine things to report, and who wants to read that I went to work, did laundry and fed the girls?

On more exciting days, my eyes closed long before I had a chance to blog... Better luck next year...

I did try to take a few more pictures, so I have a few more to share...

Believe it or not, I've never been to Fulton Street at Christmas.  I attended a Tax Conference for two days in NOLA and Shane came down for dinner at Manning's (Archie and Cooper were a few tables over), and we snapped this pic in front of the decorations on Fulton Street...

The next night, we went to the final Shaw Christmas party before the buyout by CB&I in February... we even saw Shaw Santa...

We made it to Saints vs Tampa Bay game with the Zuppardo's...

In mid-December, my Mom, Jen and I went to the Ladies Leukemia League Luncheon in New Orleans...

and whenever I was looking for Shane this month, I could usually find him in the backyard in his new "chair"...

Luckily it doesn't take much to make him happy...

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Four Day Update...

In between the regular activities of daily living, I've been preparing for Shane's big 40th Birthday Party... but even the most prepared hostess (of which I am not) probably has a million last minute details - therefore I had 10 ZILLION!

But with plenty of help, I made it... I admit, I obsess and many people might not clean the carpets, repaint bathrooms, pressure wash concrete, re-mulch the gardens along with the usual decorations, food and bar sundries...  but I'm nuts... and some things can't be helped...And my Grandma Ethel used to say you have to have a party once year to complete all those pesky unfinished projects...

But I was completely relaxed at the party and enjoyed the company of so many great friends...Here are just a few snapshots from the party...

Shane's actual birthday is December 14th, but we scheduled the party on my real birthday - it was total birthday BLOWOUT!!  Happy Birthday to US! (but let's all be clear that I DID NOT hit the same milestone as Shane... that is YEARS away :)

Hopefully now I can resume some daily December blogging...hey, a girl can dream....

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

December 5th...

It's way too late to be reading about Annuities...

but keeping up with Continuing Ed is part of the job, so I better keep studying...Why didn't I pick the easy courses??

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

December 4th

Back in October I had the brilliant idea to try P90X, so I called the ONLY friend I knew who with one text would actually arrive the next day ready to workout.... and the torture began...

Thank GOD Alexis signed on...because we alternate finding the motivation depending on who ate cake or drank wine the night before...

For me the scale hasn't moved, but I'm stronger now, and my jeans fit a little better, and my arms are a little less jiggly...

and more importantly, we LAUGH (when we can breath...)

Monday, December 3, 2012

December 3rd...

I'm very fortunate that I'm able to meet the bus each day after school...Although long gone are the days when the girls run to me, now they run straight to Coco (the 6 pound Chihuahua who provides no food, homework help or bandaids on scrapes and cuts), and the fighting starts immediately over whose turn it is to hold her first.

And believe me, I get out of the way and let them duke it out everyday...

looks like Avery won today...

Sunday, December 2, 2012

December 2nd

All the girls got fancy today for the Baton Rouge General's Gingerbread Tea... Cookies, Sandwiches, Fruit, Cheese, Santa and prizes...What else could little girls want??

I'll have to add some pictures of Ashley and Hannah later... too much cuteness for one camera!

December Daily

I'm taking some advice from Debby Schuh and keeping my December Daily on the blog this year.  I actually did a December Daily album two years ago - the December I was diagnosed with cancer...believe me the album was planned and created long before the diagnosis...but I'm glad I have it.  Especially because that December was especially crazy...filled with a range of emotions...

This is a much happier year, hopefully there will never be one as stressful as that one.. But we made it through that one, and we'll make it through another one if we have too...I'm just glad it's not THIS year...

Avery's actual birthday is November 30, but we had her party on December 1.  My little girl turning EIGHT!

The "FAB FIVE" as I call them...These precious little girls have been inseparable since Kindergarten.  They skated, ate Cane's, had birthday cake and stayed up WAY TOO late with a very patient Dad (after Mommy was asleep)... and LAUGHED WAY TOO LONG!!!!