If you prefer NOT to see my husband using a penis as a microphone - you should skip over this layout... Every year our VERY brave friends Lee Anne and Craig host a "Dirty Dirty Santa" party. The day of the party Mr. Binky's is filled with grown men trying to find the most obnoxious items for the Dirty Gift Swap. By the end of the night, Lee Anne and Craig's bazillion dollar house is filled with drunk penis waiving people - what could be more fun??
We took the girls and Ashley, Collin, Parker and Hannah to see USM in the New Orleans Bowl - and yes, of course - USM won!!! How cute is Avery dancing on the sidelines?
Christmas school parties - Morgan didn't sing with her class, and Avery ALMOST cried during her class song. Because of GiGi, they both blame this on "stagefright". Seriously - what other 4 and 5 year olds even know what stagefright is? Thanks Mom!
Although we had already taken pictures with Santa at Shaw, the girls were dying to see Santa at the mall. So I humored them, not intending to be suckered into buying pictures. And then Morgan talked Santa's ear off, making Santa have to stop her to ask what Avery wanted for Christmas (huge surprise that motor mouth was on a roll). As luck would have it - the picture of them talking to Santa was too cute - so of course, I bought the pictures!
I refer to this as the "Deer in Headlights" school picture.
My friend Jen's girls are so precious - and are all over my scrapbooks. Here are some professional pictures she had taken. I just love their sweet faces!
I'm totally into using up my insane "stash" of scrapbook supplies. So more impressive than me actually scrapbooking is the fact that I already owned everything used on these pages. You are WAY more creative when you have to use what you have - but it's fun too. I used Stickles, Diamond Glaze, really old Rub-Ons, ancient letter stickers, a page kit I've had for ages, paint and scalloped scissors!